The Ampersand - Unplugged
The Ampersand - Unplugged is a podcast that explores issues of the day that impact our community, affect businesses large and small and explores issues that impact human capital and, more broadly, the human condition. As with our monthly Ampersand blog post, which is fast approach 170 editions over the past 15 years, the podcast promises to be thoughtful, provocative, informative and above all, authentic.
The Ampersand - Unplugged
From Articling to ESG: Articling Tales & ESG Insights from the Longest-Serving Partner, Alex MacWilliam
*Disclaimer* We were having some technical difficulties with our audio on the day we recorded this episode, so please bear with us while you tune in for a really interesting conversation. We appreciate your patience!*
In this edition of The Ampersand: Unplugged, co-hosts Kiara Marika and Adam Pekarsky sit down with longtime friend of Adam’s, and of the firm, Alex MacWilliam, the longest-serving partner of the law firm Dentons’ Calgary office. In addition to some nostalgic, and at times hilarious, reminiscing about Adam’s year as Alex’s articling student 25 years ago, Alex shares several insights about ESG and how his legal practice has evolved to keep up with the changing times and how his firm, Dentons, is “walking the talk” on the subject.
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